The recipient of the 2015 Best Divorce Attorney in Mississippi (as named by the Clarion-Ledger), Jon H. Powell, J.D., is an attorney in private practice with his office located within the Jackson, Mississippi metropolitan area. He has practiced law in Mississippi for 28 years. He practices all across the State of Mississippi, representing people with problems that need solutions.
family law (including adoption, divorce, child custody, contempt and modification actions)
estate planning (including Wills, Trusts, Advance Healthcare Directives and Powers of Attorney)
estate probate and administration
real estate (both residential and commercial)
business and corporate law (including corporations, LLCs, partnerships and limited partnerships), and
general civil litigation (both plaintiff and defense).
State of Mississippi, License to Practice Law
Mississippi Supreme Court
United States Court of Appeals - Fifth Circuit
United States Supreme Court
University of Mississippi - Juris Doctor in Law, May 1994
Mississippi College - Bachelor of Science, May 1991
Recipient of the 2015 Best Divorce Attorney in Mississippi
Co-authored the book Divorce in Mississippi: The Legal Process, Your Rights, and What to Expect. -Available for sale by contacting us at 601-706-2915.
Top 10 Attorney Award for the State of Mississippi by the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys in April 2015.
2007 Angel Award and the 2010 Hero of the Year award from the Jackson Free Press - for work with The Center for Violence Prevention
Regularly appointed by the Courts to serve as a Guardian ad Litem to serve as an independent, investigative arm of the Court in matters involving children.
Jon resides in Rankin County, Mississippi with his wife and daughter.
Outside of the office, Jon enjoys exercising, working in the yard, studying the Bible, watching his favorite sports teams, and enjoying a good movie with his family.
Jon represents his clients by beginning with the end in mind.
Jon may be contacted by telephone at 601-706-2915, or at 601-706-2916, or by email at Jon@JonHPowell.com.
Your Jackson, Mississippi Divorce, Family Law, Estate Planning, Probate, and Civil Litigation Attorney.
At the Jackson, Mississippi, law offices of Jon H. Powell, we represent clients across the United States with legal problems in Mississippi. We serve such cities and towns as Jackson, Clinton, Brandon, Flowood, Richland, Florence, Canton, Ridgeland, Madison, Mendenhall, Magee, Raleigh, Vicksburg, Meridian, Laurel, Eupora, Greenwood, Winona, Grenada, Louisville, Kosciusko, Forest, and Newton. We actively practice in Rankin County, Madison County, Hinds County, Warren County, Lauderdale County, Forrest County, Lamar County, Leflore County, Newton County, Scott County, Webster County, Montgomery County, and Grenada County, MS.